Saturday, November 29, 2008

macneil t-shirt contest

Theres a t-shirt contest going on over at the macneil bikes website, thought I'd have a pop at it...
got some howling wolf action on the go, although with a bit of a twist, got some wild patterns going on inside, heres a close-up.
fingers crossed I win, become famous then marry a super model then we can do drugs in helicopter...

In other news, top Manx export and graphic designing housemate Kyle 'of man' Bibby has recently just had a job he did come back from the printers. It's a leaflet for Isle of Man College with information for students who want to go to university on 'the mainland', he used my AllThePies typeface I designed last year on the cover.
Here's the original type primer.

Also, this guys work keeps on getting more and more amazing everytime I check his site. Negro Nouveau.
Also if you have time, check out the collaboration work he did with a photographer on the Love magazine project, it seems to be a mix of really nice typography and boobs, both of which I'm a fan.

Also decided to have another go at the ongoing design a skateboard competition on My last entry got shunned for apparently being "too gay" for the American market haha, so here my second attempt.
The idea is using the actual grain of the board in the design makes each deck unique. It references the natural origins of the board which will be used in a primarily urban environment. Hopefully it'll go down a bit better. If you have time you can sign up and vote for my board here.

Woooop ta x